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Wednesday, February 4, 2009:cute yilian

post for today. thanks and bye.

DoIceVita; 11:52 PM

Friday, February 29, 2008:True stuff about guys

Guys hate sluts even thoughtheyhave sex with them!(oh yeah..you're not "popular" ifyou've slept with more than 6guys..you're a HOE)

Guys may be flirting around all daybut before they go to sleep, theyalways think about the girl they trulycare about.

Guys go crazy over a girl's smile.

Guys will do anything just to getyou to notice him--Guys hate it when you talk aboutyour ex-boyfriend or ex love-interest.

Boyfriends need to be reassuredoften that they're still loved.--Don't talk about your guy friends toyour boyfriend.

Guys get jealous easily.

Guys are more emotional than they'dlike people to think.

Giving a guy a hanging messagelike "You knowwhat?!..uh...nevermind.." would make him jump to a conclusion that is farfrom what you are thinking. And he'll assume he did something wrong andhe'll obsess about it trying to figureit out.

Guys are good flatterers when courting but they usually stammer whenthey talk to a girl they really like.

A usual act that proves that the guylikes you is when he teases you.

Guys love you more than you lovethem if they are serious in yourrelationships.

Guys think WAY too much. One small thing a girl does, even if she doesn't notice it can make the guy think about it for hours, trying to figure outwhat it meant.

Guys seek for advice from girls notother guys. Because most guys thinkalike, so if one guy's confused, then we're all confused.

When a guy asks you to leave him alone, he's just actually saying, "Please come and listen to me."

If a guy starts to talk seriously,listen to him. It doesn't happen that often, so when it does, you knowsomething's up.

If your best guy friend seems to avoid you or is never around when you're with your boyfriend, he'sprobably jealous and likes you.

When a guy tells you that you arebeautiful, don't say you aren't. It makes them want to stop telling you because they don't want you to disagree with them.

When a guy looks at you for longer than a second, he's definitelythinking something.

Guys don't like girls who punch harder than they do.

A guy has more problems than you cansee with your naked eyes.

Don't be a snob. Guys can be intimidated and give up easily.

Guys talk about girls more thangirls talk about guys.

Guys hate rejection, but they hate being led on even more.

If you are going to reject a guy, just do it. Don't say they are like a brother or just good friends, it just hurts even more. Tell them that you aren't interested in a relationship and they will respect you.

Guys really think that girls are strange and have unpredictable decisions and are MAD confusing but somehow are drawn even more to them.

When a guy sacrifices his sleep and health just to be with you, he really likes you and wants to be with you as much as possible.

DoIceVita; 6:33 AM

Wednesday, February 20, 2008:Makes me wonder...

Woke up at "unusual early" time today and went Klunch with eve, jenson, teckhua, gary. We had fun and as usual i didnt really sing with the mic.. Really find it hard to sing with mic near my mouth for some reason.. Gary was the most "expected" when it comes to singing, i knew he would dedicate the song "sixingbugai". Would have sang with him if i know and is able to speak or rather sing canto. That doesnt matter because i carried out my "mission". Jen, Eve and Gary would be delighted if they knew it, i assume. During Klunch, teck hua went to toilet and i found a chance to solo talk to him. So i tailed behind and caught up with his usual fast walking pace. Didnt want to make it wierd, "girly" and less akward for us, i spoke at a higher vol voice and had my sentence rephrased. "Why so solo ranger nowadays? Ever since gary and i closer, you hardly talk to us anymore.." Had my hint and question voiced out clearly, totally clear card for him. Was expecting a better answer from him but he sticked his tongue out and said "ulser... hard to talk cause its pain"... So i was like "oh ok.. if thats the best you could give". Then asked "since when?" , "around 2days ago".. So we walked side by side to toilet silently and back to Kbox. Wanted to ask more "why" but i didnt, it just happened. He is just giving me the feeling/impression that he doesnt want to talk -to me?- or its really because we have nothing to talk about but he doesnt want to say it. Point proven when we were in Zinc shop, he talked quite abit. Ya... Tongue ulser, pain, doesnt wanna talk.. SURE! Hilarous part comes when he does the usual stuff in the past to me. Punching me, leaning arm on my shoulder and hitting my face with jacket sleeve(thought i dont really like it but doesnt mind, ironic). So whats the meaning of it? Really makes me wonder whats in his mind... What he is actually thinking... or could it be my fallacy? We shall see how it goes tomorrow morning, then i decide what i will do next.

After Klunch, our original plan was to watch "L's world" at westmall but movie is not on show yet. Change of plan, we had meal at KFC then to jenson house to play Marvel Alliance. Teckhua have to work so he went off earlier. Pretty tired but still went on with our new plan. Throughout the whole game, i was half-awake. From 6pm played till 11.10pm... 5hours straight and the last boss "Mandarin" was a pain in the ass. We had to lure the "suiciding rat" into this portal to bomb the boss room. The rats were exploding too fast and early and we had a hard time luring it into the portal. The machines(we had to defeat too) were spawning too fast giving us a hard time too. We were pissed off, took us like 6-10mins to realise we had to use the suiciding rat as part of the boss killing tool.

Got home at 12.10am and mum was using the computer. Had to wait for her to get off the seat, really annoys me whenever she use computer. Doing her "holy" stuff again. Ya, guess what.. 47viruses after her "holy" programme downloads. Had to clear it for her and i printscreen the virus scan result. Had it as a file on her desktop(in the middle of the screen) to show her her aftermaths sacred masterpiece. This is pretty much what i did today, so ciao!

DoIceVita; 11:09 AM

Sunday, February 17, 2008:Decision

Main reason why im blogging today is because i have finally made a decision, a full day of thinking. After what ice cream man did i found it hard to communicate and talk to him as usual anymore. I know he doesnt care what others would think even if pressure was applied. He is more of those "i dont give a fuck" kind of attitute guy, to his friends/familys and maybe except girlfriend. Honestly, im not angry at him -anymore- but still its like... i cant talk to him as usual, theres this psychology barrier created since the incident happened. Wondering if i should even pick up his call(if he ever do call me again). I was told by this close friend that its not worth it to make this "sacrifice" but still i cant bring myself to do(talk to him) it. Most likely, we will become complete stranger when ice cream man realises. I will try not to make it that obvious but lets see who else would have noticed it. Any comments, anyone?

Enough of the emo part, lets talk about something that brightens up my day! Eve helped me with my blogskin and song playlist. It really makes my blog nicer and ya i appreciate her help. I like the black/white design of this blogskin, probably the best white/black blogskin i have ever seen. If i ever find a better one, i will change it. Oh ya, Jenson made his every first own blog too today! Eve helped him with his blogskin and stuff too. You guys should read his blog too and whisper to my ear whose white/black blogskin is nicer. Now jenson helping me to download Jpop songs and i was kinda taken back when we talked about Jpop songs... Its a brand new topic we are talking after 1year? I need to sleep early cause after school i will be accompany Gary(again..) to his house stall after school. Hopefully i dont get wore out fast or i will be grumbling again. Ciaoz...

DoIceVita; 8:20 AM

Friday, February 15, 2008:Double Meaning Sentences

Not really in a good mood today since lots of shit happened. Shit ass attitute and almost missed 2 last bus houme wasnt a pleasure experience. Anyway, this reminds me of a joke a friend told me. A single sentence consisting of 2 meanings in it. "If i say you have a nice body, would you hold it against me?" , i liked this one and gary figured it out almost immediately when i told him this joke at Bukit Timah Macdonald. We were eating ice cream also... Talking about ice cream reminded me of some shit ass attitute which defeated my purpose of going to -name of place-. This fucking fool refused to sell gary and me ice cream and know what? That fucking fool sold ice cream to other costumers when we were leaving the shop! How ironic.. Pretty much pissed me off.. I dont feel like going to that place anymore seriously, even to an extent of ignoring that fucking fool if i ever met him. After the ice cream, we went to another shop and seriously this new lady tending the shop is slow at her service. Gary and i had to wait like 10mins to get her get us 2 spots in the shop to play games and another 2-3mins to get our computer started... Not to mention, i had to even pay extra $2 for membership fee before i can take a computer. We played till like 11.20pm then we rushed to the nearest busstop since i thought im missing my last bus. Gary took cub home while i sit at the busstop 10mins to wait for bus 173. The bus did came but drove away without even stopping to let me abroad. Another shit ass attitute. Made me wait another 10mins for the next bus 173. At clementi, bus 285 drove off too without even noticing we(me and some other passenagers) were waiting for that bus. Not really a good day even though gary and i had a good swim in the afternoon.. Oh ya, i was lucky enough to escape from the debarment list. That was probably the only good thing happening to me today. End of the emo-ism and off to o2jam with gary.

DoIceVita; 8:51 AM

Thursday, February 14, 2008:Deadly Valentine Day

Pic #1 - what a pose, Pic #2 - Grand House, Pic#3 - Thats how chinese pollute air
Just got home from burning joss paper at my house roadside pathway. Few interesting pics taken and hope you like it. My bro was laughing when i asked him to take picture #3 for me, i think its funny too.

Congrats!!! Its the 19th year i have been celebrating valentine day with a group of male friends if not slack at home.. Pathetic right lol... Eve like to mock at me "haha, at least got people(jenson) want me. not like you".. Quite BASTARD! As usual went to school early morning for CAD test which i never make an effort to study but with the help of few friends i manage to complete the test smoothly. Kind of wth cause lecturers refuse to let Gary take CAD test(cause he is late) claiming he cant complete it in time for sure, bullshit excuse to void a late entry. Anyway glad he didnt take the test, there were several error in the test. Code of the resistor, capacitor and others were ALL wrong and we had to figure it out. Made my blood boil trying to figure out the right codes.. We were told "this accident didnt happen in the past", then why does it happen to our batch only? WTF... Maybe they(teachers) really dont like us. I dont buy that story, sorry! Nothing much happen in school then, so skip! Gary, the culprit who got me addicted to o2jam. Its a fun -piano- game played with keyboard of keys "s,d,f,j,k,l" and spacebar. Few nice songs and i like the tempo. Now i dont feel like going to school just to play o2jam, sounds like leong wei jie. God damnit. Tried to download few songs but seriously the download speed is slow like hell, server issue i assume. Other than o2jam, he got me "seduced" with the song "sixingbugai" by twins and boyz. Im actually listening to it like x11 while blogging. Gary is a bad influence really... Jenson, nothing much to talk really. Except he hook me up with few of his new game and got me so -positively- aggitated with that "police&criminal" game. Other then that, we talk alittle bit of game, computer and cant really think of anything else. Abit hard to carry on conver with him since he is the "IT" guy and i -was- sports person. Which reminds me, im going swimming with gary since eve/jenson/teckhua doesnt want to. Eve, haiya! Whats there to talk about her. Whenever she needs comment or having personal prob, she will tell me. With natural antenna its always easier to communicate. Didnt knew we can communicate that well actually.. Neither did she initially. She too, brought up a question when we were MSNing earlier. She noticed and asked why teckhua and i are drifting further, as in our friendship. Well, i have actually noticed it since last week but didnt talk about it. First, he and i knew each other pattern too well till nothing more needed to talk about it. Second, "limited" topics to talk about. We have few common interest but that wouldnt last us years to talk about since its keeps going round and round each time with maybe alittle more stuff added in at times. Third, partically that was what i wanted. Was maybe too dependent on him(and eve) to do stuff for me. Like giving me morning calls, helping me to get stuff and such.. Tried to be more indepedent so stopped asking him to do stuff for me and that probably caused us to "talk lesser". Last, communication barrier. Both of us dont like to carry on converastion. Like keep talking till theres no tomorrow. Maybe there are a few more reason but post is getting too long and its getting late. So im stopping here.. Night~

DoIceVita; 10:17 AM

Monday, February 11, 2008:For Gary's Sake

Chinese New Year just over! Counted my ang bao money and realised i got lesser this year,less loving from people.. Had $360 or $340 last year but this year i get $310 only... As usual, boring chinese new year and straight 2 days losing steak... Maybe i should stop gambling before i lose more.. Doesnt really matter!

Today, JPI presentation was quite cork up.. Alittle disappointed by my self-performance, really. Last night was discussing with jenson on the phone on the powerpoint slide and had quite a few idea on how to present the slides. For some unknown reason(th's favourite term), my mind went blank and just corked up. Eve they were saying my english suddenly became "half pail water" and scared them. Ya, quite true also la. After presentation, i sit down and think and somehow the ideas came back again. Wei ting worse, she had stage fright. Was standing then suddenly her hand touched mine and held my little finger so tightly lol. So initiative!

Hmm, what else to say.. Yea my eyes! Maybe i have been too tired or something, my right eyes feels so "twisted" and left eye have to keep "twisting" upwards just to blink. After blinking, feels better for awhile then have to do it again... lol.. Quite worried my eyes will become "shoot bird" aka "pa jiao". Wth, valentine coming soon. 3 more days only! No one else asked me out except for my cousin but rejected her indirectly. Where are all the girls?! Told teck hua about it and he feels that i abit "zek ak"(evil). To reject a girl indirectly by breaking her sentence with another topic then moving on. He should concentrate more on his "secondary school love" ba. Not sure if he is doing good on it anot lol. Furthermore, he said its ok to be(stead? not sure) with a relative. I not so into and dont really like the idea of it la. Just feels so.. wierd and wrong... If anyone want jio me out on valentine, dont be shy! SMS me or call my house. More interested in Edison's sex scandal pictures. Wha lao, his kuku quite small for his body size really. Heard there are videos for it but just cant find it. Anyone want to send me alink or the video? Anyway enough of the lame shit, time to take a rest if not my eyes really cant take it anymore. Later!

DoIceVita; 5:40 AM